Course Information -> General Information -> Course Projects -> Discussion Board
Each Module will have several forums on the discussion board. I expect you to start at least one thread in every forum, and to respond to at least three other students' threads. But that's a bare minimum. To be successful in this course, you need to read each and every post on every Discussion Board. You need to think about what you read, and respond with insight and real creative commentary.
The Discussion Board posts are judged on quality, not just quantity.
A post that reads "I agree" or "I disagree" is not a useful contribution to the discussion, and will not count for your grade. In general, if your post is only one line, you shouldn't be posting.
Posts should also have a connection to the other material in the Module. You should try to refer to the stories, the mini-lectures, and the other students' posts.
For each Module, you'll get a Discussion Board grade. You can see more about how the Discussion Board grades are assigned by checking the Rubric.
When people respond to you, you also need to respond to their responses, and their responses to your responses to their responses, and so on and so on....
Use the discussion board a lot. It's the only way the course can work.
It's also a large part of your grade.
There may also come a time when you want to assemble a lot of your classmates' Discussion Board posts on one page--to save them for future reference, print out and read on the train, or just to quickly skim and review. Here's how to do that:
In any of the Discussion Boards, you'll see a tab on the far left that says "show options." If you click that, you'll see a row of choices at the top of the page that starts with "select all" and ends with "collect."
And you'll see a checkbox next to each post in the Board.
What you have to do is put a check into each of the boxes for posts you want to include (or just click "select all") and then click on "collect."
That will give you all the posts you've selected, on one page, ready to be printed, copied and saved, or just read on the screen.