As the course ends, it's a good time to think ahead. We have begun, but only begun, to scratch the surface of SF, and there's much more ground to cover. It's also a good time to look back.
Read your discussion board postings from the early days of the course. What
have you learned? What opinions have changed? As you finish this course, what
do you predict? Where will you go with SF? Go to the final Discussion Board
and reflect and predict.
Don't forget to finish and turn in your Final Paper!
Your ultimate assignment for this course is a long one.
It's time for you to take on a "five year mission."
In the next five years, you must read 12 science fiction novels a year (that's 60 novels), what will they be about? What Modules wil you fit them into? Then come back and find me.
In your future.
And next time you can teach the course.
Long and Prosper!