... -> Module Five Essay
  • Chose one of these questions, or you may combine several, or you may use only part of one, or you may modify one. If you combine questions, you must combine them, not just put them together into separate sections. You need to write one unified essay. This is a paper, not a quiz, so the emphasis is on thinking and writing, not just "answering the question." Remember to refer to at least some of the stories from the book, the discussion board postings, and the websites which are linked in the module.
  • Go back to the discussion boards, and post ideas and issues you are thinking about for your paper. Suggest some questions I didn't include.
  • Take a look at the "Tips for Writing Assignments" in the Writing Assignments section above.
This paper will be due on before 9 AM on Friday, October 31. NO late papers!

Module 4 IconQuestions for Module Four

  1. What are the issues involved in creating life? When we make an artificial human?
  2. Look up Asimov's "Three Laws of Robotics" (in the module) are these valuable laws for robots? For Humans? Are they sufficient? What would be your choice of laws?
  3. What's wrong with hubris?
  4. Compare the stories and the film to what you think or have experienced in parent/child relationships. What does SF tell us about people's feelings about this kind of relationship?
  5. Find some information, and explain, the Turing Test for Artificial Intelligence. Is this a sufficient test? Could you design a better one? What would it be like?
  6. What if the machines stop cooperating? or stop working? or decide they'd rather do without us?
  7. Is your body enhanced by technology in any way? Would you like it to be? When does a human become a cyborg, become a robot?
  8. You are now a robot. Write a letter to your creator.
  9. How would you feel if each country had its own Multivac as their political leader, and we all just trusted its divine wisdom to make decisions to run the world. Multivac seems to be incredibly logical, and rational and cannot be influenced by anger, sentimentality or any other emotion that can make us biased in making decisions. Do you think the world would be better off having Multivac leaders to make political decisions because humans do not seem to be able to agree what is right or wrong?
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