... -> Module Seven Essay
  • Chose one of these questions, or you may combine several, or you may use only part of one, or you may modify one. If you combine questions, you must combine them, not just put them together into separate sections. You need to write one unified essay. This is a paper, not a quiz, so the emphasis is on thinking and writing, not just "answering the question."
    Remember to refer to at least some of the stories from the book, the discussion board postings, and the websites which are linked in the module.

  • Go back to the discussion boards, and post ideas and issues you are thinking about for your paper. Suggest some questions I didn't include.
  • Take a look at the "Tips for Writing Assignments" in the Writing Assignments section above.

This paper will be due before 9 AM on Friday, December 5

NO late papers!

Module Seven IconQuestions for Module Seven

  1. Analyze one of the stories you read for this Module. Compare it to some of the themes we've discussed before...or some of the earlier stories. How is the story from this Module different in style or theme or mood?
  2. Who gets left out of Science Fiction? What would need to change to attract more women and people of color to SF? or to Science?.
  3. If you envision the future as dark and unpleasant, what does that say about the present?
  4. How have the social and technological changes in your own lifetime affected you? How could things change for the better?
  5. As we interface more smoothly with computers, do we lose any of our humanity? When do we cross the line?
  6. If you could choose to create your own offspring, designing the child in whatever way you wish, what choices would you make? What would you select? Or is it even a kind of choice you really want to have?
  7. Some people say that because the world has changed, stories need to change, too. They say we can't tell stories in the old way (beginning, middle, end). TV, and the fast-paced modern life has fractured our consciousness. What do you think?
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