... -> Module Three Essay
  • Chose one of these questions, or you may combine several, or you may use only part of one, or you may modify one. This is a paper, not a quiz, so the emphasis is on thinking and writing, not just "answering the question." Remember to refer to at least some of the stories from the book, the discussion board postings, and the websites which are linked in the module.
  • Go back to the discussion boards, and post ideas and issues you are thinking about for your paper. Suggest some questions I didn't include.
  • Take a look at the "Tips for Writing Assignments" in the Writing Assignments section above.
This paper will be due before 9 AM on Friday, February 22. NO late papers!

Module 3 IconQuestions for Module Three

  1. Read the (excellent, fascinating) posts on the "What is Human" discussion board. What is your definition of human? Does it include conscience? morality? soul? language? logic? Define your terms. Connect these ideas to at least one of the stories and some of the websites linked in this module.
  2. Analyze one or more of the stories you read, and connect your analysis to one or more of the websites linked in the module, in terms of some criticism of how humans treat animals
  3. You are arguing in front of the Alien Judge. It is about to decide whether humans are ready to join the Galactic Civilization, whether we need another few billion years to grow up, or whether the planet should just be fumigated and allowed to start from scratch. State your case. Begin, "May it please the court, Your Alien Honor..."
  4. What are the similarities between the ways non-human aliens are regarded in stories, movies and tv (yes, you can include Mork, or even Alf) and the ways human strangers are regarded in our society today?
  5. When scientists try to understand nature, are they acting for their own benefit, or nature's? Connect your answer to one or more of the stories and websites.
  6. What is it about dolphins, anyway? Why do people get so goopy about them? Try to figure out why we love some animals (puppies, panthers) and hate others (squid, pigeons, that buzzing fly trying to eat your potato salad).
  7. What are the consequences of defining some people as not really human? The events of the latest news reports may be relevant to this question.
  8. One way to define a concept, is to define its opposite. What would be a living thing that is definitely non-human? An alien we could never see as being like us?
  9. What did you learn from any of these stories? About life? About people? About science? About SF?
  10. Look at some ideas of aliens from some definite historical periods (the 50's, the 70's, the 90's) and try to analyze what those ideas show about the periods themselves.