Just when I was feeling so proud that by using a captcha I had eliminated any bit of comment spam, I got hit with a new one….trackback spam.
And I’ve never even had a real trackback! 🙁
So for now, I’ve just turned off trackbacks. Who needs them.
"There is nothing so impossible in nature, but mountebanks will undertake; nothing so incredible, but they will affirm."
Just when I was feeling so proud that by using a captcha I had eliminated any bit of comment spam, I got hit with a new one….trackback spam.
And I’ve never even had a real trackback! 🙁
So for now, I’ve just turned off trackbacks. Who needs them.
Hmmm…what’s a trackback?
Here’s the definition from the WordPress wiki:
“For example, Fred is reading Edward’s weblog and comes upon a particular article he finds humorous, so he decides to make a post about it on his own weblog. If Track Back is used, Edward can be notified that Fred has posted the article on his website. An extract from Fred’s post will also appear on the comments/trackback page of Edward’s original post.”
Except that clever, evil, spammers have discovered how to make, not an extract from Fred’s post, but an ad for online poker, appear on Edward’s (mine) original post. 👿