A sad anniversary today.
R.I.P. Scott Daniel Ugoretz.
February 24, 1964-October 28, 1988.
I know that others are remembering the day, too, and I discovered yesterday that there are some other memorials on the web, from an old friend and his college fraternity.
Hi Joey,
Funny I thought about your brother and the I wondered how you were doing. I found an old videotape of the year I had the leading role in the I-House play and it made me think about old times and for some reason I thought of you. Anyway, I am sorry about your brother.
I see by the many things on internat that you have been busy. I’ve often wondered how you have been getting along. I am doing well and got married this past summer to a “nice jewish girl” from Brooklyn who is an adaptive education teacher (for handicapped, autistic etc. students) and she is also trained as a stunt woman. It was kinda funny when we met because I had to tell her my “history” of being an addict and then being in recover (7 years now!) and then last I told her about my mom the lesbian. It turns out her mom is a lesbian too and they have friends in common.
We have a house outside of LA in a somewhat rustic setting with our own hill! Also, we recently got a doberman (my favorite) from the rescue shelter and he is also great! Anyway, I always think someday it would be interesting to write a book about my experiences in life. Bankruptcy with my parents, my addiction, which took me to unbelievalbe depths and now my recover has been awesome.
Well, I don’t want to take up too much of your blog space but I hope you email me sometime.
Take care!