Mountebank Blog

"There is nothing so impossible in nature, but mountebanks will undertake; nothing so incredible, but they will affirm."

Word Press Post by Email

I just can’t seem to get it to work. There’s a way to do it, and some cool features in one of the versions (inline image attachments, no access for users not in the database), but I keep getting these errors (Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in blahblahblah/wp-includes/template-functions-category.php on line 90 ) and if I keep trying, the email account I’ve set up for this totally stops accepting email at all. This is way beyond my php ability, and I see others having the same problem, too.

Maybe in a while somebody will figure it out!

It seems WordPress is working on it–it’s bug #0000167 on the wordpress mosquito.

USB 2.0

USB 2.0I finally found a reason to need USB 2.0. I was trying to transfer a movie (made with Pocket DVD Studio–watch out for the automatic Star Wars movie on their website!) to my SD card so I could watch it on my Palm. I put the card in the USB card reader, dragged and dropped, and again and again I got “device error” or “device not ready” after about three minutes of copying. These were big files, about 200 MB, and I had never had problems using this card reader for smaller files.

I began to be suspicious. Tried transferring the same file to the card using the built-in card reader on my laptop (which is USB 2), and it worked perfectly the first time. It seemed the transfer was just going too slow over my poor sluggish little USB 1.0 connection on the desktop computer, so it was timing out, or something.

Quick check to newegg, and a combo USB 2.0/Firewire PCI card is only about $20 (I couldn’t get a USB only card–had to replace my firewire card, because I didn’t have a PCI slot to spare!). Popped that one in, and voila! Not only will my movies go successfully over to my SD card–they’ll go in only about 2 minutes, instead of six minutes.

Now I just need to sell off my old Belkin Firewire card, and rent and rip me some DVD’s for my next plane ride!

So that’s how he knows!

My colleague John’s blog alerts me to this very interesting snippet (which he got from The Revealer, via AKMA):

President Bush met last week with some Amish folk in Pennsylvania, and he reportedly told them that he couldn’t do his job if he didn’t trust that God speaks through him.

I’ve been trying to get to the newspaper site, Lancaster Online, where this quote can be found in its original context, but the site is “currently unavailable. Please check back in a few minutes” for the past two hours–I guess getting hammered by people who want to read this story. After all the times I’ve read that Bush really doesn’t believe that he speaks to God, or that God speaks to him, this statement, “speaks through him,” is even worse! It could be one of the famous Bushisms…but then what did he mean?


Everybody in the world probably knows that Google has purchased Picasa, and made it available for free. The Picasamarch of Google continues. In this case, I have some real knowledge of the implications, because I’ve been using Picasa for over a year, and it’s a really nice program. In fact, it beats Adobe Photoshop Album (the closest competitor) hands down. I actually paid for Picasa, I liked it so much, and I bought Photoshop Album, too. When my hard drive died, though, I re-installed Picasa almost immediately, and Photoshop Album never made the move. Gmail, Picasa, what will Google give us for free next? I think Adobe is going to be losing a bit of income, this time! Now the only question is, can I get a refund from Picasa, since it’s free now? 🙂

The Elephants on Neptune

Elephant I read an excellent Mike Resnick story last night, “The Elephants on Neptune.” It won a well-deserved Nebula last year. Resnick is really amazing. He writes and publishes so much, and so much of it is good, and every story is so different. Just when I think I’ve got him pinned down, and think “OK, so this is what Mike Resnick is like,” he comes out with something else entirely. This story is dark, and funny, and beautifully written, and perfectly paced. The review at Best SF compares it to Golden Age SF. That’s high praise, and not inaccurate…but to me it really reads like Vonnegut. What a little gem!

New Palm Case

Sena CaseAfter resisting for a long time, I switched my pocketsolution (which they no longer make anymore) completely minimalist Palm flipcover (just a velcro-ed aluminum flap) for a very nice leather case from Sena. Mainly because I wanted something with pockets for extra SD cards (the duct tape arrangement I tried earlier was just ugly and ineffective). This is very nice. That brand new leather smell, a soft smooth feel, and a much more “executive” appearance. It adds a little more pocket bulk than the aluminum flipcover (more than triple, I’d say), but there’s no free lunch, is there?

Palm Charging

the right chargerSince I’ve been reading so many ebooks on my Palm Tungsten T, I really wanted to take it on vacation. So I loaded it up with a couple of books, and some Audible recordings of Science Friday. But I was worried about the batteries–they’re notoriously short-lived on the Tungsten T. I had a AA-powered “emergency charger” that I bought on Ebay, but if the batteries in there aren’t absolutely fresh, it just draws the charge down! So I bought one of these nifty retractible Zip-Linq sync and charge cables on Tiger Direct–thinking I could just plug in to my laptop’s USB, or even the car adaptor (sitting in the glove compartment). I tried it first in the hotel room in Groton, left it plugged in to my laptop overnight, and in the morning it was only at about 85% charged. That’s funny, I thought. But I stopped thinking it was funny as I watched the charge drop literally before my eyes from 85% down to about 6% (less than where it was when I had plugged it in).

I couldn’t figure it out–I thought it might be because my laptop’s USB port was unpowered–but it had charged my cellphone successfully. I thought it might be because I was charging the cellphone at the same time, but a second test ruled that out. Luckily, at the last minute, I had thrown the AA emergency charger into my bag, so I was able to survive. I finally did some webchecking, and discovered that there are two ziplinq chargers for Palms with universal connectors, an A and a B. The one Tiger Direct had sold me, even though their website claimed it was compatible with the Tungsten T, was actually an A which is not compatible with my Palm. Ziplinq’s website makes this clear. Tiger does not. Did a little more searching and finally, happily, found that is one of the only places to carry the B cable I needed. And now I’m charged, charging, chargable.

The Mentoring Handbook

My experiment to use my wiki to collaboratively write a “Mentoring Handbook” with my colleague Roger is nearing completion.

It was a good method for working on this kind of project–but it wasn’t really that great of a project to be working on.

We’re pulling together a lot of information from my typed notes and some of those giant post-its produced at a one-day retreat, and the handbook is really only coming into existence because the dean wants it to.

A Mentee?But there’s no real evidence that a handbook for the process of mentoring is needed or wanted, and we don’t really have any kind of formalized mentoring process or structure in place at the college for the handbook to describe, and I’m not entirely convinced that the process of mentoring really needs a handbook, and I can’t say I’ve had much luck with either being mentored, or being a mentor, myself in my own career–so the handbook (like the notes) really mainly covers the content of mentoring (what mentors and mentees should discuss, or what mentors should tell mentees–and will I ever stop envisioning a sea cow, or dugong, when I read that word “mentee”?), rather than the process of mentoring.

But using the wiki to divide it up and work on writing the separate pieces and pulling them together was a real flash for me. I think that, especially with a bigger group (and a better project), a wiki could be a very useful tool for collaborative publishing.

Ideally, I’d like to leave the wiki up and open after next week, publish the url in the printed handbook (the dean is really only interested in a printed handbook, although I think I pushed through the idea of an html version against his lukewarm response), and let mentors and mentees continue to add and subtract and change. That’s the true wiki spirit–and would have the chance of producing something actually useful instead of a printed pamphlet which will be thrown in a drawer.


Ricky Jay on Radio

I’ve been a fan of Ricky Jay since I saw him perform in San Diego when I was a kid. He was on tour throwing cards (and other magic and sleight of hand) when his book Cards as Weapons was published. Of course I bought a copy of that book, which of course is now gone, and of course the book now goes for about $200 if you can find a copy! Of course, I have his other books.

I didn’t get to see his recent Town Hall one-man show (damn!), but I’ve been catching him in the movies and on Deadwood, where he’s just about perfect.

Now I find through his website (thanks to BoingBoing for the link!) that he has a radio show in LA, and it’s available online. I’m going to try to put it on my Palm!

I’m Valid

xhtml valid! css valid!Finally got the page to be valid with both xhtml and css (as the cute little icons demonstrate). How proud can I be!