Mountebank Blog


It takes a few days for it to get going, but by now, the third day of dosage, I’m feeling major relief. This is good stuff, and I wonder how it works. But I don’t really care…my nose is clear, so it’s all good.

What does this mean??

“Model Driven Design: Systematically Building Blended Learning Experiences”

I’m supposed to sit through a one-hour plenary address with that title? It’s ridiculous. How is it helpful to teaching or learning to use language that gargles and breaks in the throat?

Why not use English–especially when there’s a chance you’ll be talking to English teachers. I’ll bet a dollar that “Model Driven Design” is either obvious, or meaningless.

Opening message

Welcome! This is the first entry, of the first blog. Step up, step in. If you don’t play, you can’t win.