Mountebank Blog

Citation Machine

David Warlick offers a very nice free online tool for students working on research papers, the Landmarks Citation Machine.

It’s very comprehensive, turning the basic information about any source (including books, works in anthologies, articles, even electronic resources, forum postings and interviews) into properly formatted citations or parenthetical citations in both MLA and APA formats.

It’s almost enough to make me feel that my own (ongoing) efforts in MaGiCS are a reinvention of the wheel.

But in the spirit of total accuracy, sour grapes, and tooting my own horn, I have to point out that while I haven’t included parenthetical citations, or all the different kinds of sources (yet), my citation generators for books and articles will make lower-case letters into capitals, as needed.

And also, my design is much easier on the eyes than David Warlick’s pages (blue and yellow with red and blue letters–yech!). (That’s the sour grapes part).

Abu Ghraib and National Dishonor

I’ve been reading some pretty stunning claims on some of the discussion boards. People want to say that the outrage over Abu Ghraib is politically motivated, or that it’s an unfair attempt to “slam” Bush or Rumsfeld or the Republicans or the military.

Others, in an even more heinous attempt at denial, want to quote Rush Limbaugh in calling this a “fraternity prank” or “just humiliation.”

I even saw one post that tried to somehow blame “liberal academia” for the abuse–in an unprecedented display of bending-over-backward. Too ridiculous to repeat here.

I find all these maneuvers sickening, and I’m honestly surprised that anyone would stoop so low–although I guess I shouldn’t be so surprised by now.

My feelings about this are much closer to those expressed (quite eloquently–he seemed honestly, emotionally, shaken) by Mark Shields on The News Hour Thursday night (May 6).

I’ve been to Walter Reed Army Hospital in Washington, I’ve been to Bethesda Naval Hospital in suburban Maryland and spent time in the company of the 340 Americans who had been severely wounded since the president declared mission accomplished. They’ve lost arms, they’ve lost legs. They’ve lost their sight. Not one of them I ever talked to — men and women – ever lost any belief in the mission, in the unit they served in and the tasks that they have been assigned. They have been dishonored. They have been sullied. Their service and their sacrifice has been stained. That’s how profound this is. This isn’t going to go away.

This is not political, it really isn’t — back and forth on that. It is not three points for John Kerry, five points for George Bush. This is national. It’s not going to change, you know, if George Bush loses and Don Rumsfeld leaves or whatever. It is not going to change. This is a permanently upon Americans.

I was also reminded of a small piece of Heinlein’s Starship Troopers. When the narrator is in basic training, just finishing up, a deserter from his regiment who has murdered a young girl is captured, tried, convicted and brought back to the regiment to be hanged.

He belonged to us, he was still on our rolls. Even though we didn’t want him, even though we should never have had him, even though we would have been happy to disclaim him, he was a member of our regiment. We couldn’t brush him off and let a sheriff a thousand miles away handle it. If it has to be done, a man — a real man — shoots his own dog himself; he doesn’t hire a proxy who may bungle it. The regimental records said that Dillinger was ours, so taking care of him was our duty.

that night we started thirty days of mourning for Barbara and of disgrace for us, with our colors draped in black, no music at parade, no singing on route march. Only once did I hear anybody complain and another boot promptly asked him how he would like a full set of lumps? Certainly, it hadn’t been our fault — but our business was to guard little girls, not kill them. Our regiment had been dishonored; we had to clean it. We were disgraced and we felt disgraced.

We are all disgraced, it’s our mess, it’s our responsibility, and we need to be very open and clear about the dishonor which these soldiers and their commanders have brought upon all of us. Sure, they’re exceptions, sure, they don’t represent the military as a whole, or Americans as a whole–but if that’s true at all, then we have to own them and every bit of their dishonor as well.

A frustrating article about student frustration

First Monday has an article (which I read via Palimpsest) about “Students’ Frustrations with a Web-Based Distance Education Course.”

The article is a very good example of a very bad kind of research. It points out (rightly) that there’s a shortage of good qualitative research on Distance Learning, especially research that focuses on the experience of the students. But then it doesn’t really provide that kind of research.

The students in the course which the article examines are frustrated…but they’re not frustrated because of any inherent problems with DL. They’re frustrated because this particular course (“B555”) is poorly-designed and poorly-implemented.

In summary, in this distance education course, students’ frustration originated from three sources:

  • technological problems;
  • minimal and not timely feedback from the instructor; and,
  • ambiguous instructions on the Web site as well as via e-mail.

Now, these frustrations are real–and these problems with this course are real, too. But they are not necessarily representative of any large majority of DL courses. The article’s authors, Noriko Hara and Rob Kling, do try to address this objection:

It is easy to place the burden of students’ frustrations wholly upon the instructor’s limitations. With an experienced and skilled instructor, the students would have found the online version of B555 to be a valuable delight! There is good reason to believe that many online courses are taught sufficiently well that the students value them and do not experience the kinds of frustrations that we discovered in this case.

One might argue that this course was a unique case of a poor instructor poorly teaching an online course, and that this “oddball case” tells us nothing about online courses. We differ with this last interpretation. The department chair had taught some online courses and his department had notable experience with online courses taught by several of his faculty. He could have cancelled the online course if he could not find a competent instructor. He could have sought mentoring help for the instructor. Alternatively, she might have sought advice from the faculty about improving her teaching of this online course. None of these alternatives were enacted. It would be remarkable if this were the only time that an academic administrator mis-perceived the pedagogical capabilities of a replacement instructor when faced with the loss of the original instructor. It appears that even an experienced administrator and online teacher also mis-perceived the kinds of pedagogical shifts required from face-to-face teaching, and could underestimate the extent to which mentoring could be critical. Certainly, these issues arise in traditional face-to-face courses.

Yes, these issues arise in traditional face-to-face courses. But do they arise more frequently in online courses? The authors make no such claim (as they have no evidence to support such a claim) but they clearly make such an implication. It’s a very unfortunate implication.

The article’s ultimate conclusion:

Clearly, we need more student-centered studies of distance education. We need research that is designed to teach us how the appropriate use of technology and pedagogy could make distance education beneficial for students.

is one I support 100%.

But the overall tone of the article, the implication that these authors have “discovered” some hidden node of failure or frustration in distance learning generally, is extremely harmful–and misleading.

Bad instruction is bad instruction. It’s frustrating for students, and detracts from the educational mission of the particular course and the institution as a whole. But that fact is not exclusive to DL.

Similarly, research which succumbs to utopianism or a pollyannish extolling of virtues, is not a useful kind of research–but it is not a kind of research that is exclusive to DL research.

Studies like the one presented in this article, however, go too far in the other direction. If we really want a worthwhile look at the benefits or drawbacks of distance learning, we need to look at a competent (at least) example.

Lee Lefever has posted an excellent little guide–“Wikis Described in Plain English,” from which I will borrow liberally (giving him credit, of course!) when I talk to faculty about wikis in the future.

For a “technology” which is so simple, the wiki is surprisingly difficult to explain. Showing, of course, is better than telling, but it’s nice to have someone make such a clear and accessible effort at telling, too.

The “Scribbling Woman” says that she’s thinking of having students in an Intro to Lit class do a wiki–for a collaborative study guide. I’m not sure if that’s the way I’d want to use it–as my Intro to Lit doesn’t use exams, but papers instead. But I think she’s got a good point about the advantages for students of an ongoing effort and instant gratification.


I watched a truly terrifying Frontline report, The Jesus Factor, the other night.

We have a president (and most Americans still say they would vote to reelect him), who absolutely does not agree with the idea of America as a secular democracy. It’s not just that some of his policies threaten the separation of Church and State–he doesn’t, in his heart, believe that the separation of Church and State is a good idea.

He sees this as a Christian country, and his mission as a God-given Christian mission.

But perhaps the most terrifying statistic was that 40% of Americans identify themselves as “evangelical” or “born again,” and that, as Bush proved, it’s possible to be elected president with the fundamentalist Christian vote…and nothing else.

How close is theocracy? Closer than I want to imagine.

Frontline, as usual, provides an excellent web resource, too–with tons of great additional information, and the opportunity to watch the whole show online.

Cleaning off the gunkware

One of my wife’s colleagues had a computer problem…well, a problem with popups, popunders, and popallarounds, so prevalent, and so disgusting, that it was impossible to use the internet.

So my wife volunteered my services to get it “fixed.”

I have never seen such a huge collection of adware, spyware, highjackers, toolbars, search assistants, nasty dialers, and general gunkware on one machine. This colleague, it turns out, has two teenage sons…and you can just guess what kind of websites they’ve been looking at!

Now I don’t mind that, I was a teenage boy once myself, and although I didn’t have the internet, I surely took every chance available to have a look at what girls with no clothes on might look like. After all, I hoped to see one for real someday!

But, while “boys will be boys,” and so forth, didn’t anyone ever teach these boys not to just click “OK” to every little popup that appeared on the screen?

The very first ad-aware scan found over 700 items. Then Spybot S & D found another 450! Then there were about 27 more which could not be deleted by either program.

I had to boot into safe-mode and do some very tedious hand-deleting to get them all out. The toughest was a nasty little critter called “sysupd.exe.” That monster simply did not want to be deleted.

But (I think) I finally got rid of all of them, and now the internet is again usable on that machine….but it won’t be long until those boys have it loaded up again!

Somebody needs to teach teenagers…not only do you need a condom if you have real sex–you need the cyber-equivalent if you’re going to have screen sex!

The Speech Accent Archive

I’ve been fond of George Mason University’s Speech Accent Archive for a long time, just as a fun and interesting time-waster. It’s a huge collection (336 samples) of people repeating the same sentence in English–with the samples categorized by the speakers’ places of origin. It’s fun to listen to the Brooklyn accents, and (for me) San Diego accents, too. It’s really a resource for linguists and linguistics classes, but quite interesting even as an introduction to the subject.

But this semester I finally had the idea to let students have a look at it, after they had read Zora Neale Hurston’s “Sweat” (written in dialect).

They couldn’t get enough of it! Every student wanted to hear the accent which more nearly reflected her own origin, and they wanted see if they could tell the difference between, for example, Japanese from Kyoto and Japanese from Tokyo. I thought we’d just take a quick look and gone, but we ended up spending over an hour.

The discussion then moved to classifying some of our own accents (the students could immediately identify the Bronx accent, and could tell just as quickly that I’m not a native New Yorker, even though I’ve lived here 20 years). We were able to discuss the influence of race and class on accent, as well as education, mood, and (of course) audience.

If I had thought ahead more, it could have turned into a great assignment, or even a unit, instead of just a one-shot enrichment. But I often end up finding my best teaching moments by accident. I’ll take ’em however I can get ’em!

“The Lord said, to Noah…”

Yahoo! News – Expedition Will Seek to Find Noah’s Ark. This is one for (you’ll pardon the expression) The Book!

A team of “explorers” (maybe better called “nitwits”) will be climbing Mount Ararat, hoping to find Noah’s Ark.

Geologists say even though there is evidence of a flood in Mesopotamia in Sumerian times, it is not possible for a ship to make landfall at an altitude as high as Mount Ararat.

One wonders what the “explorers” will say when they find that it’s not a boat of any kind…and wonders even more if they’ll come down “by twosies, twosies.”

Accepted to Merlot!

Just heard that my proposal for a session at the 2004 MERLOT International Conference (“Online Resources: Sharing the Future”) has been accepted!

confbanner.gifI’ll be in Costa Mesa, in August, and get to share some of the work on Digital Poetry Projects. Merlot (Multimedia Educational Resource for Learning and Online Teaching–no wine jokes, please!) is a resource that works better in the conception than the reality, so far, but there are some very good people involved.

The proposals went through “rigorous peer review” and less than 60% were accepted. I’m looking forward to seeing the full conference program–and making my airline and hotel reservations!